COVID-19: Important Practice Information

Upcoming vaccination clinic
RCHT vaccination team will be in our area this month, with the last walk-in Covid vaccination clinic.
This is for those eligible 18+ and will be held at:
St Columb Library, Market Place, St Columb, TR9 6AN
19th December 2024
9am to 4pm
Please page down for more information on visiting any of our surgeries
Mask wearing within the practice
Mask wearing Policy changes
We are no longer expected to wear masks in our building.
Any patients that we bring in with respiratory or covid symptoms should be asked to wear a mask – be mindful that the law does not require them to.
Acute patients with respiratory symptoms will be seen in our isolation room, away from other patients.
If we have a covid outbreak in the area, we will be required to revert to mask wearing and this will be noted on signs around the building.
We would ask patients to wear a mask if you have:
- Respiratory problems
- A cough
- Flu like symptoms
- Any symptoms of Covid
- Or are vulnerable or have low immunity
Visiting the Practice
Please avoid visiting the practice unless you have an appointment already booked. When you visit the practice please try to socially distance.
If you are visiting Cornwall, and not registered with us, we ask that you contact your own GP or the 111 service.
If you develop a cough, temperature or lose your sense of smell or taste, please talk to our staff before visiting our surgeries.
Self-Isolating and Prescriptions
A friend or neighbour can collect your prescription on your behalf.
Sick notes
Online Isolation notes for those self-isolating due to coronavirus, either because they have symptoms or they live with someone who has symptoms, can be accessed through the NHS Website.

Call: 116 123 for free 24/7
Sane Line
Out-of-hours mental health helpline
Every day 16.30-22.30
Call: 0300 304 7000
24/7 UK crisis text service
Text ‘SHOUT’ to ‘85258’
Rethink advice and information line
Monday – Friday 10.00-14.00
Call: 0300 5000 927
Outlook South West
Register for Online Therapy through an online referral form – SilverCloud